We are pleased to announce that Incipresa has successfully completed…

The Provincial Firefighters of Álava continue to strengthen themselves through a new tank container manufactured by Incipresa
The Provincial Firefighters of Álava continue to strengthen themselves in order to offer the most effective and efficient service through a new tank container manufactured by Incipresa. Acquisition that allows them to have a multifunction tool that has comprehensive extinguishing equipment.
This vehicle will make it possible to approach water for fires in which the supply network is not possible, such as roads, industries, and isolated houses, among others, and to fill the forest pumps.
Downloadable sump container suitable for transporting by a polygon vehicle such as the 6 × 4 traction truck previously purchased by the Service, with a load capacity of 22 t.
Fully equipped to perform the functions of Nodriza, with a 9,000-liter capacity water tank for extinction and a 200-liter foam tank, both manufactured in PFRV.It has a four-stroke diesel motor pump group to drive a Ruberg-E30 brand fire pump.